Monday 26 November 2012

Help Your self

The Amazing Transformation of a Guy Who Didn’t Give Up!

Today one of my friend share this video.. A truly inspirational video. A man who struggle on his physical disabilities for 15 years, until one time, a friend came to him and believe that he can fight to be normal.
His surrounding may not be supportive, but until one big moment hit him, he help himself to fight day by day, until he succeed.

Friday 16 November 2012

Please kindly delete these questions when yo ask someone!

Semakin gerah dengan  pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sering dilontarkan oleh kebanyakan orang. Entah apakah itu memang serius pengen tahu, peduli, atau pun basa basi.
1. Agamamu apa?
2. Umurnya berapa?
3. Sudah menikah atau belum?
4. Kapan menikah?
5. Kapan punya momongan?

Sorry for being so cynical  but at some point, we need to respect other private life. And let the difference of the world stay the same, because honesty, respect, and love grows from difference. 
Jika ada pertanyaan yang mau ditambahkan, monggo.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Happy - Sad

It's hard to be happy when all of your friend greets you "happy birthday" when at the same day you hear the sad news of someone you love passed away. That's what happened with my husband today. 

Monday 12 November 2012

Solar Lights

Shopping. That's our today's plan for today. I have list-to-buy (it's dry skin lotion for Terra and vacuum cleaner), and need to go out earlier in the afternoon to avoid rush hour. I  thanked  Spring season for its lovely shiny and fresh air.  So, I, my husband and our baby Terra went to our first destination, chemist. After bought the lotion, we walked few blocks from the chemist to the recycled store, hopefully we could find vacuum cleaner.  Finally we couldn't get it. OK  so we took  a walk to go a bigger store. Luckily we found what we've wanted, but it's too heavy for us to carry (yes, we have a stroller for this 5 month old infant), besides we used tram and bus to get home. 

Frankly, when we passed Christmas section, we found solar light. I love lights, any kind of light.
You can predict, we bought it. Two. :)

Sometimes, we bought something that's  not on the list to be honest.
Well, as long as it's acceptable (read:cheap in my word), that's fine. .
But whatever the reason of buying something, yes, we need to think and do wise when we talk about shopping. 

Sunday 11 November 2012

New Mom

11 Oct 2012 (This blog has started late...)

This is the way I started to write the journal. It’s in the afternoon, wash the dishes done, wash terra’s cloth done, poo done ;)
After so looong waiting to have a journal where i can express what i feel about life and anything stuff in my head, finally i can start to write, with one word, OVERWHELMED.
Everything is overwhelmed.. J
New adventure of 1year marriage life in Melbourne, learn to raise up the gorgeous Terra, support and love husband Oldy, and be me...
Ok so today, mom whatsapp me, asking about how’s Terra’s development.
Easy to answer actually, but a lot of things in mind. Well, finally i can say it’s easy to be answered, but comparing with yesterday, it’s a different case. The thing is that, I’m a new mom who has no assistance taking care of her, except my lovely husband. As a new mom, a bunch of list of how-the-normal-and-great-infant-development is in my head. Her motoric skill, her speech, social development, brain development, weight-height, and so on and so on. I’m kinda intimidated by my friend’s son who has a same age as her, and he has shown a ‘good’ progress such as able to prone by self. And terra, she needs help to do so. Since then I browse in the internet finding any source about motoric development of 3-4 month old baby. Luckily I found a group forum that solve my curiosity.
The main point that inspire me is that, kid is God’s gift, and He created them so unique. So just be grateful for that. Don’t force them too much, because naturally they learn to understand their new life by themselves, and of course need our support to make it happen. Just be a good supporter who encourage and cheer them up and not push them too much base on any graphic of table of child development nowadays. Plus, don’t compare them to any of the other kid as you also don’t want to be compared to anyone else.
Hoo God, i was so wrong worry about terra too much. I asked forgiveness, and Journal, please do remind me to raise up this gorgeous girl with love and be optimistic, because she’s so special, and clever (oo, at this moment, as a flash i look at her cute face, how i always missed your beautiful smile, my baby girl... J). Terra, forgive mama for comparing you with other kid, and mama promise not to do it again, now, even on your teenager, and until forever. This is my pledge.